Working as a programmer often gives a false sense of security: you focus
on a certain project, on a certain technology, then you realize 5 years
just flew by and you're still holding on to notions and tools that are
now suboptimal.
Black Dog Software has born to group and to
make available my own personal study projects, with the added bonus of
prodding me to make them useable and graphically appealing (since I've
always been working on backends).
Choosing a name always puts a toll on me: it has to be captivating,
refined, yet at the same time self-explanatory.
Usually this matter is handled by the marketing vodoo shamans, who
analyze various data such as puclic and sectorial researches, the
movement of the stars, oracles and gurus... This one time, however, the
guru came to me whining about the lack of attentions. That's when I
fianlly realized his qualities are perfect for a successful brand:
Ready to catch any treat, he never lets an opportunity slip by! May it be a straight throw or a curveball, may it require a simple jump or a triple pike, the result just won't change!
He does not procrastinate, he acts! He does not postpone, he studies his prey! He does not sleep... Well, alright, just for a bit, acting and studying are tiring... But surely he'll never feel too tired or too full for a treat! And should he find both a steak and a roasted chicken in fron of him, he'd surely make room for both!
To get what he wants (food, mostly) he knows how to follow the rules, to be respectful and to always give his best! You'll never hear him barking at the wrong times, biting trousers or peeing where he should not: he's a true canine gentleman, with his own top hat and monocle (along with a nifty british accent)!
Knowing how good and fulfilling is to be able to relax after reaching one's goal, he knows how to rest when needed. He never runs around aimlessly, he never gets tired for nothing, he won't wear himself down: he knows when to conserve his energies and how to unleash them to work in a focused and smart way, instead of a long and tiring one!
So, what is there left to say... Towards a world
where "a dog job" will be a huge compliment!
...Just don't be mad about the lost hairs around the house.